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Benefitting From the False Rapture

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The Rapture didn’t happen yesterday. Outside of Harold Camping’s followers, few believed it would. The mere idea that the Rapture might occur became easy comedic fodder everywhere from the Internet to SNL.

I first heard about Camping’s prediction on Thursday. I laughed it off at first, but then I saw how he came up with his prediction. He used the Bible to justify his prediction, and it made some sense. Honestly, I got a little scared that Camping might be right.

Of course, the Bible also says that no man can know when the Rapture will happen. Camping somehow managed to use the Bible for his prediction without noticing that small, yet very important, detail.

I feel that part of the reason for the comedic response to Camping’s prediction is that many people either do not share the Christian faith in God that suggests a Rapture, or they just cannot fathom it and decided to laugh it off.

But for those people who do believe the Rapture will come eventually, and even for those that don’t, I think it’s an important opportunity for some self-evaluation. Approximately three percent of the world’s population would be saved, according to Camping’s estimation. That’s three million people.

We like to think of ourselves as good people. Even staunch atheists follow some sort of moral code. Are we doing enough, are we being good enough, to be part of the three million who would be saved? It’s a question I think many people have asked themselves in the past few days. <script type=”text/javascript”><!–
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Written by scotthought

May 22, 2011 at 7:11 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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